Their attack was in fact a Dominion trap, and the entire fleet was annihilated by the Jem'Hadar during what became known as the Battle of the Omarion Nebula. Later that year, a joint Obsidian Order- Tal Shiar fleet entered the Omarion Nebula and destroyed 30 % of the Founders' homeworld's crust. This impulse caused Odo to enter the Omarion Nebula in 2371, and make contact with the Founders. The location of the Founders' homeworld inside the nebula was kept secret, although the hundred Changeling infants sent by the Founders to explore the galaxy were imprinted with a strong urge to return to it. A fleet of twenty starships from the Cardassian Obsidian Order and the Romulan Tal Shiar attempted to launch a preemptive strike against the Dominion, attacking the Founder s homeworld in the Omarion Nebula. Thousands of years ago, the Changelings retreated to an M-class rogue planet inside the Omarion Nebula to escape persecution by solids where they became the Founders. Talk (0) The Battle of the Omarion Nebula was the first major battle between the forces from the Alpha Quadrant and the Dominion. The Omarion Nebula was an interstellar gas cloud located in the Gamma Quadrant, deep inside Dominion space. The Founders' homeworld within the Omarion Nebula Location of the Omarion Nebula in Dominion space Lets talk about sex Lets talk about sex Lets talk about sex Lets talk about sex Lets talk about sex for now to the people at home or in the crowd It keeps coming up anyhow Dont decoy, avoid, or make void the topic Cuz that aint gonna stop it Now we talk about sex on the radio and video shows Many will know anything goes Lets tell it how. This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Picard, and thus may contain spoilers.